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  • September 14, 2021 3:12 PM | Becca Liebers (Administrator)

    ACOG | News Release Update

    “As the leading organizations representing experts in maternal care and public health professionals that advocate and educate about vaccination, we strongly urge all pregnant individuals—along with recently pregnant, planning to become pregnant, lactating and other eligible individuals—to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

    “Pregnant individuals are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 infection, including death. With cases rising as a result of the Delta variant, the best way for pregnant individuals to protect themselves against the potential harm from COVID-19 infection is to be vaccinated.

    “Maternal care experts want the best outcomes for their patients, and that means both a healthy parent and a healthy baby. Data from tens of thousands of reporting individuals have shown that the COVID-19 vaccine is both safe and effective when administered during pregnancy. The same data have been equally reassuring when it comes to infants born to vaccinated individuals. Moreover, COVID-19 vaccines have no impact on fertility.

    “Pregnant individuals and those planning to become pregnant should feel confident in choosing vaccination to protect themselves, their infants, their families, and their communities.”

    Also signed by: the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, the Association of PAs in Obstetrics & Gynecology, the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, and the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists.

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  • September 13, 2021 9:51 AM | Becca Liebers (Administrator)

    Today, Congress can take a historic step forward in ending our nation's maternal health crisis by advancing the #Momnibus Act investments included in the Energy Commerce #BuildBackBetter Act legislation. Our moms don't have any time to wait!

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  • September 10, 2021 8:28 AM | Becca Liebers (Administrator)

    Journal of American Academy of Physician Assistants

    Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines - An Update
    Shami, Sarah DMSc, MSPAS, PA-C; Coombs, Jennifer PhD, PA-C, MPAS


    Cervical cancer screening practices in the United States have been inefficient, with variable screening rates. Some women are screened too frequently, overmanaged, lost to follow-up, or are at risk and should be screened but are not. Timely screening, identification, and management of abnormal cervical cells is vital in order to prevent progression to cervical cancer. Educating, counseling, screening, and offering the human papillomavirus vaccine continue to be the primary methods of cervical cancer prevention practices. Guidelines and primary screening methods have been updated because of supporting evidence, and clinicians must stay up-to-date in order to provide effective patient care.

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  • August 30, 2021 10:46 AM | Becca Liebers (Administrator)

    Women's Health In Focus at NIH Quarterly: Gynecological Cancer Research

    This issue of In Focus features NIH’s research efforts to improve the understanding, screening, prevention, and treatment of cervical, endometrial, ovarian, and other gynecological cancers. Unfortunately, gynecological malignancies often become “the forgotten women’s cancers,” perhaps because breast cancers affect more women in the United States. Nonetheless, gynecological cancers constitute important concerns for public health. 

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  • August 03, 2021 4:00 PM | Becca Liebers (Administrator)

    PAs: Obstetrics and Gynecology Needs You!

    PAs Work in all Primary Care, Specialty, and Subspecialty Areas

    By Melissa Rodriguez, DMSc, PA-C

    Melissa Rodriguez, DMSc, PA-C, president of the Association of Physician Assistants in OB-GYN, responds to questions regarding PA practice in obstetrics and gynecology (OB-GYN).

    Q: Do PAs practice in OB-GYN?
    A: Yes, we do—currently, fewer than 2% of all PAs practice in the field of OB-GYN and its subspecialties. PAs also practice women’s health in other specialties such as family medicine.

    Q: Are PAs adequately trained to practice in OB-GYN?
    A: Absolutely! PA training provides a generalist foundation for their students, which includes mandatory training in obstetrics and gynecology. PA students take more than 75 hours in pharmacology, 175 hours in behavioral sciences, more than 400 hours in basic sciences, and 580 hours in clinical medicine. Training specific to OB-GYN includes hours of didactic training in benign and complex topics of women’s health; clinical lab experience with live models, simulation, and breast and pelvic trainers; and on average, 162 hours of hands-on clinical experience during the women’s health rotation. Most clinical rotation sites provide opportunities to participate in vaginal deliveries, cesarean sections, and gynecological surgeries. Understandably, there is a shortage in OB-GYN rotation sites which means that not all experiences are complete. The need for PAs in OB-GYN has exacerbated this lack of preceptors for PA students, and the competition with medical students and nursing students is intense.

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  • July 28, 2021 9:59 AM | Becca Liebers (Administrator)

    APAOG proudly provides this infographic as a conversation starter with healthcare leadership. We want to showcase our education and abilities in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. We encourage you to make connections and share our stories. Our grassroots effort is what will make the difference in numbers. 

    Click here to view and save the infographic!

  • July 21, 2021 1:39 PM | Becca Liebers (Administrator)

    The sexual health certificate program will expand the Emory University’s campus-wide initiative “One Emory: Engaged for Impact” as Emory is recognized around the world as a leading research university that fosters excellence and attracts world-class talent to innovate today and prepare leaders for the future. This program will expand the University’s teaching and research base by integrating a focus on health, sexual health, law, ethics, wellness, social and economic development, as well as targeting groups of individuals who are working and caring for marginalized communities.

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  • June 16, 2021 12:53 PM | Becca Liebers (Administrator)

    Thank you for being a valued member of the Association of Physician Assistants in Obstetrics and Gynecology. It is important to the APAOG Leadership to collect feedback from our members to evaluate and improve APAOG membership and continue to offer many benefits to our members.

    Please watch your email for the member survey link and take 2-3 minutes to provide feedback in the Annual Membership Survey.

    Your feedback is important! Thank you.

  • June 03, 2021 2:25 PM | Becca Liebers (Administrator)

    PAEA | Grassroots Action Network

    On May 25, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee voted unanimously to advance the Rural Maternal and Obstetric Modernization of Services (MOMS) Act to the full Senate for consideration. This bipartisan, PAEA-endorsed bill seeks to holistically improve access to obstetrics care in rural areas by supporting training opportunities in underserved settings, among other provisions. We are asking for your help to ensure that this bill is prioritized for consideration on the Senate floor.

    If enacted, the Rural MOMS Act would authorize $5 million annually through fiscal year 2025 to support OB/GYN clinical rotations for PA and other health professions students in rural areas with the ultimate aim of creating a sustained pipeline of graduates to these settings. According to PAEA’s most recent Rapid Response Report, more than 73% of PA programs are reporting that it is now either harder or much harder to secure women’s health/gynecology/obstetrics rotations than before the emergence of COVID-19, making this new investment particularly timely as PA education continues to recover from the pandemic.

    Please contact your senators today and urge them to cosponsor and vote in favor of the Rural MOMS Act. As always, thank you for your advocacy and leadership on behalf of PA education.

    Click here!

  • May 17, 2021 11:36 AM | Becca Liebers (Administrator)

    The Association of Physician Assistants in Obstetrics and Gynecology has opened up the Call for Nominations for the following open positions:

    • Treasurer
    • Director-At-Large
    • Non-PA Board Member
    • Student Representative
    • Education Committee Chair

    These volunteer-positions within the leadership of APAOG are very important! We have a support system in place to give new individuals a chance to succeed in these roles and help grow the mission of the organization. Click here for more information on deadlines and to access the nomination form.

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