AAPA | Divya Williams
Nidhi Reva, MPH, PA-C, didn’t discover the PA profession until she was 20 years old. But ever since then, her passion for women’s health has driven her career and taken her role as a PA to new heights. From starting her own business to volunteering overseas, Reva has built her career on providing high quality care to expectant parents and underserved populations.
Discovering the PA profession
When Reva was in her undergraduate program at Michigan State University, she knew she loved science and caring for people, but she didn’t know where that would lead. During her senior year, she was in the hospital with a severe concussion after a car accident, and she heard a voice that she remembers to this day. “This voice was the most calming thing. She explained everything about what was going on and that my parents were on their way. She was wonderful, but I never saw her face or knew who it was.”
Two months later, when Reva went back to the hospital for a physical exam, a woman entered the examining room, and Reva immediately recognized her voice. This was the PA from the emergency room after Reva’s accident. “I told her that I was so scared and that she was the only person who walked me through things and reassured me. I was really grateful,” Reva says. “And then I was like, ‘What’s a PA?’ And that’s how I found out about the career, and once I did, that was it.”
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